in my classroom have ample opportunities to develop social skills and
confidence through role play, class meetings, and student led read alouds, just
to name a few. In this living biography picture, we see one of my students dressed as her favorite female historical figure (Pocahontas) reading her favorite book to the class.
Other Examples of Project Based Learning in my classroom:
Students enjoy using the iPad to create podcasts about topics they are experts in. These students created a podcast about Savannah, GA and the historical figures they studied that were from Savannah. Students are responsible for creating the script and researching the content for their podcasts.
I enjoy integrating the arts as often as I can in my classroom. This has been possible through numerous trainings on art technique and differentiation instruction. I have had the opportunity to lead staff development on these topics for all teachers at my school. If you are in the Atlanta are and would like to know more about integrating the arts at your school please contact ArtsNOW. Our school has partnered with them for the last 3 years and their training has been more valuable than any other training I have participated in.
3-D Trees:
Standards: S2E3. Students will observe and record changes in their surroundings and infer the causes of the changes. (a.) Recognize effects that occur in a specific area caused by weather, plants, animals, and/or people.
Students used the mosaic art form to create a 3-D model of what a deciduous tree looks like in all 4 seasons.
Readers' Theater:
I believe it is important to TEACH the skills needed to read a script. Readers' Theater is a great way to teach students to read fluently with expression and projection. This is a presentation I created using Haiku Deck to teach proper script reading for my 2nd graders.
Beginning Blend Project:
Students researched blends and digraphs for this poster project. Since this was a student led project, I noticed that they were more involved and excited about the topic.
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